OSGeo UK Local Chapter

Minutes of OSGeo:UK 2020 AGM

28th October 2020 at 12pm, online

Officers and Trustees Present

Jo Cook (Chair), Matt Travis (Treasurer), Ant Scott (Secretary), Alastair Graham, Steven Feldman (Trustees) and seven other members.

Apologies for Absence

Dave Barter


The minutes of the 2019 AGM were approved.

Accounts 2019-2020

The Treasurer presented a summary of the accounts, and these were accepted.

Sponsorship 2019/2020

Sponsorship 2020/2021 (so far)

Past and Future Events

FOSS4G Online 2020 was agreed to have been a success:

A lessons learned page was created after the event.

Other comments and reflections on the event:

Future events are dependent as always on a team stepping up to organise - the Committee has no plans to try to do so for now, particularly in the current circumstances. However, if anyone is able to take on organsing an event of any kind, the Committee would offer full support.

Other comments on possible formats for the future:

It was agreed that a lightweight event with short sessions could be useful.

It was proposed that OSGeo:UK should get a paid Zoom subscription to be made available to anyone who wanted to organise an OSGeo-related event. Steven will administer, and will post to the list saying this is available.


All officers are happy to continue in post for now, though Jo would like to stand down as Chair when someone is willing to take it on. In the meantime, other commitments mean that she may have limited time to contribute.

Steven would like to step down as a Trustee, and was thanked for his enormous contribution to OSGeo:UK over the years. Tom Chadwin volunteered to take his place, and this was unanimously agreed.


It was proposed that we should sponsor QGIS to the tune of 500 euros. This was agreed in principle, but we should also research other projects with funding requirements. Tom C will do this and share the results - Nick suggested something ecosystem, and Tom Armitage suggested asking for proposals on the mailing list, along with a social media push.

Jo noted that the training calendar should be kept up to date via GitHub.

Jo reported on membership:

It was agreed that we should try to raise our presence: