OSGeo UK Local Chapter

On the Day


Finding the Streams

The links and logins for each of the streams will be on the Eventbrite site on the day of the event - you will receive an email early in the morning pointing you to the stream links etc.

Please don’t share the links with anyone else, each stream has a fixed capacity (just like a conference room) and if you share the details other registered delegates may not be able to get into the room = bad karma.

When you select the link to a stream and enter the password you will be placed in a waiting room for a minute or two until the host opens the room and admits you.

All delegates will be muted when they enter a room and the host and co-host will have the choice to unmute and mute dependent on the numbers in the room.

Asking Questions

You can ask a question during a presentation by using the zoom chat facility (it will only allow you to send a message to the host and co-host), the host will select a few questions at the end of the talk and will invite you to ask your question, or if there are a lot of questions the host may amalgamate them and ask them on your behalf.

We have disabled the facility to chat with other attendees in the zoom app because it can get too noisy in big sessions.

The Coffee Bar

Throughout the day there will be a 4th stream called the Coffee Bar. When you arrive in the waiting room you will automatically be assigned to a “breakout room” with 3 or 4 other people. You don’t know who you will meet and neither do we! Hopefully it will be fun. You can leave a “breakout room” and return to the Coffee Bar waiting room to be assigned to another random group.

The Back Channel

The Back Channel is Twitter (of course!).

Our Twitter account is @FOSS4GUK where we will post announcements, updates and a bit of banter during the day.

Book mark the hashtag #FOSS4GUKOnline to follow the conversion between all of the attendees.


If you need some help during the day we will have a couple of volunteers monitoring #FOSS4GUKHelp and they will try to assist you.


We will be recording video of all sessions, your image could appear in some of the video (or in screenshots that we may post to Twitter). If you do not want your image to appear you can switch off the video in your zoom client, you will still be able to watch the presenters and hear or speak.


General Guidelines for Presenters

Familiarise yourself with the general Zoom support. One of the conference committee will be in touch with you before the event to trial presenting and screen sharing.

Recommendations during your presentation:

Be Nice

This is a first for us, we hope we have thought of everything and that the day runs smoothly. But if stuff goes wrong, please be patient, we will get problems fixed as fast as we can and will provide updates via the Twitter channel.