OSGeo UK Local Chapter
If you are attending one of the workshops, code sprints or hack at FOSS4G UK, you are required to bring your own device.
We will provide copies of OSGEO-Live on DVD and Portable GIS on USB drives for you to use at the sessions if required (please see details below). OSGEO-Live includes a copy of QGIS 2.14. However it might be useful for you to download the necessary software and install it on your device before the session.
OSGEO-live can be downloaded here and Portable GIS can be downloaded here.
Some sessions require additional software and data which you will also need to download and install on your device before the session.
See details of what is required for each session below:
Barry Rowlingson Medical School, Lancaster University
Workshop (half day) / Target Audience: R users from beginner level up
Software/Hardware Requirements
Requires R v3.x which could come from OSGeo-Live or elsewhere. Plus a number of add-on packages to be listed later. Bring Your Own Data.
For more info please see http://barryrowlingson.github.io/r-mapping-2016/
Ian Turton, Astun Technology
Workshop (2 hours) / Target Audience: Novices
Software/Hardware Requirements
This is a bring your own laptop workshop, the code has all been tested on Windows and Linux machines but should work on a
Mac too. You will need to have installed Java either from Oracle or OpenJDK on your machine. You will then need to download the materials needed for the course from ftp.astuntechnology.com.
Tim Martin, Ordnance Survey / Ed Watts, Ordnance Survey
Workshop (half day) / Target Audience: Beginners/Intermediate some knowledge of HTML/Javascript would be useful
Software/Hardware Requirements
QGIS 2.14, NodeJS
Please register for a free cartoDB account before the workshop, and you will also need a good text editor for the coding parts.
Aileen Heal, Astun Technology / Matt Walker, Astun Technology
Workshop (2 hours) / Target Audience: People interested in loading OS datasets into PostgreSQL.
Software/Hardware Requirements
Device running windows as we will be using Portable GIS.
It is recommended that you download Portable GIS before the session and install it on your hard drive. It can run on a USB drive but performance may be slow.
Data for the workshop can be found here. It will also be available on USB drive at the session.
Tom Chadwin, Northumberland National Park
Workshop (2 hours) / Target Audience: QGIS users
Software/Hardware Requirements
QGIS 2.14
qgis2web (QGIS plugin)
Ross McDonald, Angus Council / Tim Manners, Ordnance Survey / Ian Bennett, Ordnance Survey
Workshop (2 hours) / Target Audience: Beginner to intermediate QGIS and PostGIS users
Software/Hardware Requirements
See the workshop notes for more details.
Data will be available at the workshop and a link to the data is here.
Tom Armitage EDINA, University of Edinburgh / Ross McDonald Angus Council
Workshop (2 hours) / Target Audience: Beginner to intermediate QGIS users, but also of interest to experts with little experience of the plugins used.
Software Requirements
QGIS 2.14
The data for the workshop can be downloaded from ShareGeo.
Printed handouts with instructions will be provided.
Jo Cook, Astun Technology
Workshop (2 hours) / Target Audience: Beginners
Software Requirements
See archaeogeek.github.io/foss4gukdontbeafraid/intro/index.html
Basically you need a GitHub account, and Git installed. See the link above for info on your options. You also need a decent text editor (not word or notepad). Atom is good. QGIS 2.14 would be good but not essential
Suchith Anand, University of Nottingham
Workshop (2 hours) / Target Audience: Representatives from central government, local authorities, academics, industry, SMEs , NGOs etc in the UK
Software Requirements
Sebastian Ovide, Ordnance Survey (Geovation)
Workshop (2 hours) / Target Audience: Developers with appreciation of JS.
Software Requirements
Anusha Chickermane, Atlantic Geomatics Ltd.
Workshop (half day) / Target Audience: People new to web-mapping
Software Requirements
Anusha Chickermane, Atlantic Geomatics Ltd
Workshop (half day) / Target Audience: People with a limited understanding of how django and openlayers work.
Software Requirements
Windows/Linux/Mac laptop with administrative permissions, internet connection, Postgres 9.4, PostGIS 2.2, Python 3.5, Django 1.8 and GeoDjango prerequisites (https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/ref/contrib/gis/install).
Materials Provided: Paper and electronic copies of detailed handouts to be used during the lecture portions of the workshop and github link containing the code used in the workshop.
Thomas Gratier, WebGeoDataVore
Workshop (half day) / Target Audience: Beginners looking for introduction to OpenLayers. They should be able to use a text editor, a browser and knowing basic use of command line.
Software Requirements
A text editor like Atom, Brackets, Sublime Text, Texmate (Mac only), Gedit (Linux only), Notepad++ (Windows only).
An http server. If you don’t have one installed (such as Apache) already then try one of the following methods:
Saber Razmjooei QGIS Community / Tom Chadwin QGIS Community
Code Sprint
Software Requirements
Please see http://www.lutraconsulting.co.uk/blog/2016/05/31/qgis-code-sprint-foss4guk/
Ant Scott MapAction
Code Sprint / Hackathon
Software Requirements
None. Must be able to access the internet.